Last week the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) asked the Vatican
to disclose details of child sexual abuse cases involving Catholic clergy for the period November 1995 to January 2014.
According to officials, the aims of the questionnaire include seeking
to establish what legal action is taken against “perpetrators of sexual
crimes” and what support is provided for victims. However, in England
and Wales, as elsewhere, the Church is unlikely to be in any position to
answer such questions in sufficient detail to satisfy either the
UNCRC or survivors such as those represented by Minister and Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors (
During the dozen years since the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of
England and Wales declared it was fully committed to implementing all
the recommendations of the Nolan Committee,
suggests there is a large gap between the Church’s rhetoric and the
reality of its practice, while systems have been insufficiently robust
to collect the information required.
In 2006, MACSAS suggested victims and survivors had not felt listened
to, believed or supported, or “helped towards their healing” by the
church. In 2011, following a survey of survivors’ experiences, the
organisation concluded that victims “continue to be ignored and their
needs disregarded by Church”.
In fact, no source provides comprehensive information about relevant cases or, for example, about the number of priests
subsequently laicised (the church’s equivalent of being “struck off”) as called for in the
Nolan Report.
National bodies such as the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service and
the National Catholic Safeguarding Commission (NCSC) remain dependent on
information supplied by dioceses while questions by others about
actions taken in relation to individual perpetrators are usually met
with refusals to give information.
Information published by the national organisations has been
inconsistent, and, in May 2012, the chair of the NCSC wrote to me,
saying, “Apart from specific requests we have never gathered centrally
on a regular ongoing basis the numbers of diocesan priests convicted of
offences against children.”
In 2010, Channel 4 News
22 priests in English and Welsh dioceses who had been convicted of
sexual offences against children and had served all or part of their
sentences, since November 2001.
Contrary to what you might expect, 14 (64%) had not been laicised.
Two were priests from the Diocese of Salford. Both had been sentenced to
six years. Their cases provide illustrative examples of how the church
has responded in particular cases.
Thomas Doherty was convicted of five offences against a boy under 16,
while William Green was convicted of 26 offences of indecent assault
and sentenced in October 2008. In the absence of any public announcement
that an exception had been made, parishioners assumed that Doherty had
been laicised in accordance with Nolan’s recommendation 78. However,
during autumn 2010 it emerged that Doherty had never been laicised.
In September 2010, a
local newspaper
highlighted the case of Green, noting both that “he has still not been
defrocked or laicised” and that a spokesperson for the diocese had said
that "Green is in the process of being laicised”. However, when they
returned to the story three months later, they found that the diocese
was now saying that “the laicisation was on-going and was out of their
hands”. Since then, the diocese has consistently refused my requests to
know whether or not Green has yet been laicised and his canonical status
remains unknown to his victims and his former parishioners.
In this context, it seems unlikely that the Vatican will be either
able or willing to provide the UNCRC with the information it requests.